Test your website under different resolutions

The primary thing that we do consider is only the designing part of the webpage/site. But its not that only the viewers surf through the desktop; they can even through mobile/tablet or any other device. So, we need to particular in such things like: when we make the designing of the page, we need to develop in such a way that  the user can view the same sort of things/layout and consistence either in mobile/tablet/PC. So, many of the newer methodologies have come into existence. And one of the latest one is Responsie Web Design. So, make sure that you follow those rules to make your look same all-over. Developing that is one issue and to test is another issue. So, once after developing, you can test your website under different resolutions at: https://quirktools.com/screenfly/ or http://www.responsinator.com/ ;  which are some of the best tools that we found. So, make sure your app looks unique and consistent through all the resolutions.

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